Ryan’s workbench is organised: a box for spare cables, a vintage radio, a neat row of screwdrivers, and a home-made wall bracket to hold all his different pairs of pliers. It’s quiet here, he can focus and it suits him to work away in his own time. But he’s a young man with big ambitions too. For as long as he can remember he’s dreamed of having his own haulage company. Ryan began at The ReUse Hub as a volunteer when he left school and now he’s part of the driver team, taking the electric van to and from to the landfill site at Polmaise.‘You get to see all the lorries up there,’ he says. ‘Volvo, Daf, Scania (favourite), Man, Iveco.’ He’s saving up to do his HGV licence one day. ‘I can’t wait ’til they get fleets of electric lorries… hydrogen ones too.’ The environment is important to Ryan; he wants children and grandchildren, and wants to see them grow up. What Ryan loves the very most about his job though, is not the quiet meditation of electrical testing, or going out to new places in the van, his very favourite thing is helping out new Scots, folk moving here from other countries. ‘We help them because,’ he gestures at the abundance around him, ‘because we can. And we’re helping the planet at the same time. Win-win.’